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Bringing Ideation to Life is about Speaking to People's Emotions [Video]

Bringing Ideation to Life is about Speaking to People's Emotions [Video]

Maz Spork from ISS Corporate Garage discusses the principle of "Help people shape your world" in an interview with Ideanote. ISS Corporate Garage focuses on innovation and collaboration outside of ISS. The interview is part of Ideanote's interview series, "Debunking Innovation," which aims to provide actionable tips and tricks for bringing ideas to life. Maz also shares a little gimmick he uses in his office.

Bringing Ideation to Life is about Speaking to People's Emotions [Video]

Interview with Maz Spork from ISS Corporate Garage.

Inspired by the Copenhagen Catalog, Ideanote team visited Techfestival to talk to people about some of its principles and their take on innovation.

This time, we are talking to Maz Spork from ISS Corporate Garage. Founded in 2016, ISS Corporate Garage serves as an autonomous unit outside ISS that is tasked with unleashing ISS innovation power. Maz's role is building new growth which comprises of innovation, testing new business ideas, and collaboration with businesses outside ISS world.

In the interview, Maz shares his reflections on the principle "Help people shape your world."

At the end of the video, Maz also tells us about a little gimmick he uses when people are visiting his office.

Hungry for more?

This blog post is a part of our new interview series–Debunking Innovation, where we introduce our readers to the many faces of innovation, ideation and everything in between. Debunking Innovation strives to get down to actionable tips and tricks that you can apply in your team and get better at bringing new ideas to life.

If you're looking for an all-in-one solution for your innovation, look no further than Ideanote! With our flexible platform you can do everything from collecting ideas, engaging your crowd and analyzing your innovation performance.

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